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Travis Scott: A Motivational Guide for Success Rapper and musician Travis Scott has risen to fame in the past few years, becoming a major figure in the hip-hop and R&B worlds due to his catchy music and unique fashion sense. However, beneath the surface of Scott's stylishness, there is a deeper wisdom that shines through his music and interviews. To illustrate, here are four of the most impactful quotes from Travis Scott that can be used to motivate and drive success. The first quote to highlight is “I think if you stay focused and have clear goals, the universe will conspire to make those things come true.” This inspiring quote speaks to the power of having a clear vision and purpose in life, and how this can be harnessed to achieve success. Scott has certainly exemplified this in his own life, as he has consistently worked hard and maintained focus in order to reach the top of the music industry. Second, Scott has said “If you don’t like where you’re at, move. You’re not a tree.” This is an empowering reminder that we all have the option to change our current circumstances. If we don’t like our current situations, we have the ability to make decisions and take action to create a better outcome. Again, this is something that Scott himself has put into practice, as he moved away from Houston to pursue his music career in LA. Finally, Scott stated “You have to take risks and go for it. If it’s meant to be, it’ll be.” This is a testament to the importance of taking risks and going after what we want, rather than waiting for things to “fall into our laps”. Scott has certainly lived his life by this mantra, as he has consistently taken risks in order to pursue his dreams of becoming a successful musician. From “I think if you stay focused and have clear goals, the universe will conspire to make those things come true” to “You have to take risks and go for it. If it’s meant to be, it’ll be”, Travis Scott’s words of wisdom are powerful reminders that can be used to channel motivation for success.